Favorite Places to Visit on Martha’s Vineyard

Through the years of touring the Island, we’ve compiled a list of our favorite places to visit, things to do, and restaurants and bakeries to eat:

Flying Horses Carousel

East Chop Lighthouse

Operation Rescue MV Lighthouse

Wampanoag Tribe

Orange Peel Bakery

Island Spirit Kayak

Jaws Jumping Bridge

Allen's Sheep Farm

African American Trail

Menemsha Fish Market

Campground Museum


Through the years of touring the Island, we’ve compiled a list of our favorite places to visit, things to do, and restaurants and bakeries to eat:

Flying Horses Carousel

East Chop Lighthouse

Operation Rescue MV Lighthouse

Wampanoag Tribe

Orange Peel Bakery

Island Spirit Kayak

Jaws Jumping Bridge

Allen's Sheep Farm

African American Trail

Menemsha Fish Market

Campground Museum